Here is the summary of the next version of PAWA.
Add to the Dashboard
We have added the notion of tags to the notes in the dashboard. This allows a better classification of the notes for each client.
Improvement of the Documents
A filter on the client is now available.
The list of documents is now displayed with more details. We have added the name of the author, the date of creation and modification.

Improvement of the Metric Report

In the metric report, when you make a selection, it is now highlighted. This makes it easier to read the reports.
Improved performance of bulk imports
In the import via the “Master Data” we have improved the performance of bulk imports
Improved password change
It is now possible to display the password entered in the previous password field using the eye icon.

Improvement of the PAWA API Loader

It is now possible to load CSV files directly into the API. No need for an ODBC or SQL connection.